Esoko API Integration Guide for MTN Mobile App

Welcome to the Esoko API documentation for the MTN Mobile App Integration. This API empowers developers to seamlessly connect with Esoko's agricultural services, providing users access to vital information such as Market Prices, Weather Forecasts, Agronomic Advisory, and Climate Smart Information.


The primary purpose of this integration is to enhance the user experience within the MTN mobile app by providing real-time and personalized agricultural insights. Developers are encouraged to follow the guidelines outlined in this documentation to ensure a secure, efficient, and successful integration with Esoko's APIs.

Target Audience

This documentation is intended for developers, engineers, and technical teams involved in the integration process. It provides comprehensive details about API endpoints, request and response structures, authentication mechanisms, and more. Additionally, training sessions are available for MTN's technical and support teams to facilitate a smooth integration process.

Key Features

Getting Started

Before proceeding with the API documentation, make sure to complete the essential setup steps outlined in the Esoko APIs Setup Guide to ensure a seamless integration process.

Now, let's explore the detailed API documentation for each service:

If you have any questions or require assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.


To interact with Esoko's APIs, you must obtain an API key.

Obtaining an API Key

To access Esoko's APIs, follow these steps to generate your API key:

  1. Open the Esoko API Key Management Page in your browser.

  2. On the API Key Management page, find the "Generate API Key" section.

  3. In the request body, provide the necessary information:

request body:

  "user": "your-username"

  1. Click the "Execute" button to initiate the API key creation process.

  2. If successful, you will receive a response with a status code of 200 and a JSON object containing the following information:

status code : 200

Response Structure:

  "message": "success",
  "apiKey": "your-generated-api-key"
  1. Copy the generated API key and securely store it. This key will be used in your request header to access Esoko's agricultural services.


To authenticate your requests, include the following API Key in the request header:

This key ensures secure access to the Esoko APIs.

Agronomic Advisory API



This endpoint retrieves daily agricultural advice for a specific farmer-type,location and date range.



Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description Example
location String The location for which advice is requested Tamale
farmerType String The type of farmer crop_farmer
datePublished String The date for which advice is requested 2023-12-05


  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Authorization: [ API Key : your-generated-api-key ]


  • 200 OK
  • 404 Not Found


  • Content-Type: application/json

body Structure:

  "id": "1bad5efd-20ba-41f6-b5d6-c07ab4c0fe3d",
  "farmer_type": "crop_farmer",
  "commodity": "Yam",
  "location": "Tamale",
  "text_advice": {
    "id": "d8bb41c7-7175-4b57-a2c1-64e23d467a2f",
    "title": "Optimizing Crop Yield",
    "body": "For optimal yield of Corn and Beans, ensure that you follow a proper crop rotation schedule. Rotate your crops to improve soil fertility and reduce the risk of pests and diseases. Additionally, consider using organic fertilizers and timely irrigation to support healthy growth."
  "audio_advices": [
      "id": "cf0bdebe-796d-49e5-95bf-9a7a1aac52eb",
      "title": "Audio Guide for Crop Farmers",
      "body": "",
      "advisoryId": "96ec46fe-5de4-406d-93e8-befda4b2b213"
      "id": "665379e3-493b-4f28-a9e3-933d59b92e57",
      "title": "Audio Guide for Crop Farmers",
      "body": "",
      "advisoryId": "96ec46fe-5de4-406d-93e8-befda4b2b213"
  "date_published": "2023-12-05T00:00:00.000Z"

Error Responses:

Refer to the Errors section for possible error responses and their meanings.

Market Prices API


This endpoint retrieves daily market prices. The response includes a list of commodities with their corresponding prices



Market Name City Market Name City
Kumasi Central Kumasi Gushegu Gushegu
Kintampo Kintampo Yendi Yendi
Sunyani Sunyani Gbinitiri Gbinitiri
Techiman Techiman Tamale Tamale
Nkranza New Market Nkranza Salaga Salaga
Wenchi Wenchi Bolgatanga Bolgatanga
Jirapa Jirapa Bawku Bawku
Takoradi Takoradi

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description Example
commodity String The type of commodity for which prices are requested Cassava
market String The market for which prices are requested Kintampo


  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Authorization: [ API Key : your-generated-api-key ]


  • 200 Ok
  • 404 Not Found


  • Content-Type: application/json

body Structure:

  "message": "success",
  "totalCount": 2,
  "data": [
      "id": "255ddc12-2716-4e62-a01c-d21e271d780c",
      "market": "Makola",
      "location": "Accra",
      "commodity": "Cassava",
      "wholesale_price": "300",
      "retail_price": "300",
      "date_recorded": "2023-12-05T00:00:00.000Z"
      "id": "797c51c1-43ee-497a-b52d-f966a57d810e",
      "market": "Makola",
      "location": "Accra",
      "commodity": "Cassava",
      "wholesale_price": "500",
      "retail_price": "800",
      "date_recorded": "2023-12-06T00:00:00.000Z"

Error Responses:

Refer to the Errors section for possible error responses and their meanings.

Climate Smart Information API


This endpoint retrieves daily climate-smart information, including weather details and agronomic tips, for a specific farmer type, location, and commodity.


GET: Farmer&location=Nkawkaw&commodity=Rice

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description Example
farmerType String The type of farmer for whom information is requested Crop Farmer
location String The location for which climate-smart information is requested Nkawkaw
commodity String The specific commodity for which information is requested Rice


  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Authorization: [ API Key : your-generated-api-key ]


  • 200 OK
  • 404 Not Found


  • Content-Type: application/json

body Structure:

  "message": "success",
  "data": [
      "id": "2cf376a6-4236-4cbc-8ff0-5f5fd40483bd",
      "farmer_type": "Crop Farmer",
      "location": "Nkawkaw",
      "commodity": "Rice",
      "weather_info": "Sunny",
      "audio_advices": [
          "id": "1e281da3-b8e0-4e8e-b266-5c27f33867ba",
          "title": "Audio Guide for Crop Farmers",
          "body": "",
          "climateSmartId": "2cf376a6-4236-4cbc-8ff0-5f5fd40483bd"
          "id": "393cc8a9-d266-4499-baba-6c4986e2560f",
          "title": "Audio Guide for Crop Farmers",
          "body": "",
          "climateSmartId": "2cf376a6-4236-4cbc-8ff0-5f5fd40483bd"
      "date_published": "2023-12-05T00:00:00.000Z"

Error Responses:

Refer to the Errors section for possible error responses and their meanings.

Weather Forecast API:


This endpoint provides daily weather forecasts for a specified location. Users can tailor the language of the weather description, receiving it in either English or French. Additionally, a corresponding sound file URL is provided in local languages for enhanced accessibility.


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description Example
language String The language in which to receive the weather forecast twi
location String The location for which weather forecasts are requested Aburi


  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Authorization: [ API Key : your-generated-api-key ]


  • 200 OK
  • 404 Not Found


  • Content-Type: application/json

body Structure:

  "message": "success",
  "description": "Text in English or French",
  "soundFileUrl": "twi_url"

Error Responses:

Refer to the Errors section for possible error responses and their meanings.


Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid. Please check the parameters and try again.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is incorrect. Ensure you are using a valid API key in the request header.
403 Forbidden -- The requested resource is restricted. Please contact the administrator for access.
404 Not Found -- The specified resource could not be found. Double-check your parameters.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access the resource with an invalid method. Please use a valid HTTP method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't JSON. Ensure your request accepts JSON.
410 Gone -- The requested resource has been removed from our servers.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting resources too frequently! Please slow down.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server while processing your request. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.